
Posts Tagged ‘Adam Driver’

Best Supporting Actor Nominees ranked in my order of preference:

  1. RICHARD E. GRANT – Can You Ever Forgive Me?
  2. MAHERSHALA ALI – Green Book
  3. SAM ELLIOTT – A Star Is Born
  4. ADAM DRIVER – BlacKkKlansman

And the omissions that I think deserved a nomination:

  1. BEN FOSTER – Leave No Trace
  2. JAKE GYLLENHAAL – Wildlife
  3. MICHAEL B. JORDAN – Black PantherOscar ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE Omissions.jpg

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“There has been an awakening, have you felt it?”

The first teaser trailer for The Star Wars The Force Awakens has hit and the buzz is huge.  I’m sure there are people who have analysed it in far more detail than me, but there are a couple of points I have noted. 

It has been suggested that John Boyega (best known for Attack the Block (2011)) and Daisy Ridley (who has been in a few TV shows) are the Han/Luke and Leia of the story.  They both appear to be on Tattooine or a similar “outer rim planet”.  The story will surely contrive to throw them together on an adventure.  Whatever the plot he is unlikely to remain stormtrooper.  Meanwhile on a very different looking planet we see a Sith Lord (red lightsaber!).  Endor in winter? Hoth? The Sith is carrying a very different looking lightsaber, longer and with laser hilt, it looks almost like a claymore.  This is reminiscent of the moment we first saw Darth Maul’s bo staff/lightsaber in The Phantom Menace.  But who is the Sith?  The three big names in the cast we don’t see in the trailer are Adam Driver, Andy Serkis and Domhnall Gleeson (Oscar Isaac appears to be piloting an X Wing).  The other question, is he the Master or the Apprentice, we know there must be both thanks to Yoda’s explanation.The Star Wars Force Awakens Cast

The interesting thing, we don’t see any of the returning original cast.  This is a bold but sensible choice.  It would be difficult to see them without giving away where they are and what they are doing.ap_star_wars_cast_jef_130503_wmain

But we do have a link to the old movies.  We know that the Millennium Falcon was an old ship in the original trilogy, it wouldn’t be out of place to have given it a cameo in one of the prequel trilogy, sadly that didn’t happen, however there are no such worries here.  We get to see all the old favourites: the Millennium Falcon, a pair of TIE fighters and a squadron of X-wings.The Star Wars Force Awakens Ships

We only have a year to wait!

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